Wednesday, September 16, 2015


The eremitic element - in my life of a super star
Sometimes we like to be alone - it doesn't matter who you are
Rejoice in time of solitude - forgive me if I'm Eremitic
I often want to be alone - vacation from the dramatic


 Fall air seeps through my window
I am sad I don't know why
I just want to be alone to
Touch myself or a private cry

Doesn't mean that I hate people
And I need that stimulation
But sometimes just me, myself and I
All I need for stimulation

Alone I can reflect upon - the reason why life exists
If God exists - and why I did the things I did
Look at the stars in the sky and
Ponder all what for and whys
Watch old re runs on TV Land
Figure out how to get more fans


Lay in bed - stare at the ceiling
Contentment is what I'm feeling
Don't have to wonder what the person next to me is thinking

Sometimes just being alone gives me a tingle
That I only feel before about to have sex
I talk to inanimate objects

Ignore my invitation - I'm fine with that
In this family of one - I wear the pants
Lay real still - Pet yo cat
Being Eremitic is where it's at


Alone - Just Me - Myself and I

Blank stare from my eyes - and I feel just fine
Look at the stars in the sky - wonder when I will die


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Why do I feel agitation - constant negative fixations
Catastrophizing thoughts are destroying positive vibrations
Having constant palpitations - sweaty palms
Hallucinations - What I wouldn't do or give
To cease all of this agitation


Heart attack waiting for mailman
What will life throw at me next
Boogieman around the corner
Always feeling so perplexed

Police car following behind me
Hope I didn't drink to much
What did I do to deserve
This agitated feeling as such


Wonder if my meds are working
Biting my nails - I'm so worried
Hoping my alarm clock goes off
Hope that's just a cigarette cough

Will the IRS arrest me
What did I do with my house key
Did I forget someone's birthday
Are those footsteps in my hallway

Will they reposes my car
Did I leave my phone at the bar
Such an unpleasant sensation
Mother fucking agitation


Agitation go away
Please come back another day
Want to go outside and play
If only you will stay away

Jonsona go outside and play

From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Person over yonder - I'm fantasizing
About You - About Us
Porn in my mind

Random stranger in this convenient store
I'm looking at your round full ass
Am I a whore
Why can't I ever have you be my Lover
Wonder what it would feel like
To have your hands on me

Walmart cashier with nice eyes
Football coach in aisle 5
Sweaty jogger in the sun
Me and you could have some fun
Homeless person at the exit
Let's make love it could be epic
White trash trucker with big muscles
I want more than hugs and cuddles
Sexy grandma - such a cougar
Maybe I should just get neutered
Rich, Poor, Black, White - doesn't matter
Farmers, Bankers, Nurses, Pastors
No one ever seems to want me
Even though I'm blond and pretty
Saints and sinners, sisters, brothers
Please won't you just be my lover

Hot longing writhing body
Guess I'm going home alone
So many freakin' hotties
My heart has turned to stone

Random stranger - in this hardware store
I'm looking at the front of your pants
I can't take it anymore

Why can't I ever have - you be my lover
Wonder what it would feel like
To have your hands on me

Person over yonder -I'm fantasizing
About You - About Us
Porn in my head

Come home with me and be my lover
Please someone just say yes
Quench my desire

From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Let me bring order to chaos - is it wrong that I find you so
Pleasingly aesthetic - combine flesh with the synthetic
1-2-3 Let's get it on - It's so hard yet it's so easy
Combine flesh with the synthetic - humanoid and plastic
Get It


In this bathroom by myself
Love of my life has just left me
Lock the door so no one can see
No one here but you and me

Inhale from that small brown bottle
Synthetic wetness dispensed
And oozing down like a Dali painting
Doesn't get much better than this

I enclose you

No hassle - no bad emotions
Just a hand and plastic lotion
Swinging like human pendulum
I adore synthetic motion


The only one in this stark bathroom
That might be watching me do it
Is God - Please forgive me father
Human contact, can't be bothered



Distraction from the outside world
No longer exists in my mind
My full attention is on
A small space that is so confined

Now it's almost full orgasm
Flesh and soul, into spasm
Eyes roll back and sweat has formed
And all I think is I want more


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Life is suppose to be a gift but somehow I am full of dread
So I go to my safe place in a world that I'm a Flowerhead
Vivid imagination in the day or at night in my bed
It's clear that chivalry is dead so I'll just be a Flowerhead

Waving arms - Leopard dress
Diamond charms - Exposed breast
Not a care - Fervent sunset
Let's just be - Flowerheads

Sun and moon - Side by side
Doesn't walk - She only glides
Always lightning in the sky
Flowercats with green eyes

Flowerheads are my escape
They just love - they don't hate
One day I will forever be
A Flowerhead - you just wait and see


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
(Title Track)
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


As the sun sets in the west
It's autumn now - soft pillow caress my weary head
I'm reading the last letter you ever wrote
Treasuring the memories of long ago

Sometimes life goes by so damn fast
And then we die
Please forgive me, Mabel
I guess heaven needed an angel


Remembering summers when I was a kid
Early 1980's in Michigan
Catching fireflies out in your beautiful garden
As the blue sky slowly darkened

As I aged - the visits lessened
Now you're gone - I've learned some lessons
Maybe I was a bit unstable
I should've visited my Mable

Little gray house - gold clock with candles
Ceramic reindeer with legs so fragile
Now the clock is gone - the house is sold
But the memories are worth more than gold

It wasn't my fault in the beginning
That I wasn't as close to you as others in my life
But that's no excuse
As an adult I should've done better
More than just every so often letters


I didn't even go to your funeral
But I will see you in time
But don't ever doubt that I loved you Mabel
Maybe we'll get it right next time

From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm
Dedicated to my grandmother, Mable Hobbs - RIP


Listen to the plow outside my window
Indiana snow globe - I hear the wind blow
Thinking of the grandpa that I barely knew
Hoping you know how much we love you

Every Great Man must rise and fall
It's the design that's meant for us all
As you ascend into the great light
We know you didn't give up without a fight
Find peace - In the light


You are now within God's view
Wrap his loving arms around you
Angel wings and eager mothers
Heaven is a place that's like no other
-you always had that JFK big hair-
-you always tried to show that you cared-


The one thing that I kept hearing
He is such a good man
I have to agree for I could see
Now your kind soul is set free
You left so many behind - many generations intertwined
Now is the time that we must see
That love is all we need
Let's take some time - to plant the seed


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm
Dedicated to my grandfather - Robert Overton Sr. - RIP


I'm not your errand boy - I'm not your bitch
You think it'll go off without a hitch
Learn how to do things for yourself
Instead of depending on somebody else
So fucking tired of being used
Not gonna take your mental abuse
Innocent smiles but nothing but haters
 Ya'll just a bunch of fucking beggars


What you smokin' - You must be high
If you think I'm still gonna be Mr. Nice Guy
You give an inch they'll take a mile
You just sit back with your Cheshire smile
You can't even go to the store for yourself
Everyone relies on somebody else
You think it'll go off without a hitch
But the days are over of being your bitch

My friend goes to prison - The roommates flee
He stole my money - Left a house full of fleas
His psycho mother hounds me for money daily
In a bad economy - No electricity
He get's outta jail - goes...
You didn't pay no rent bro
Really? - You were in fucking prison
Mother Fucker
I'm deflating


used to cry - wanted to die
but realized that I was fine
I had the strength to carry on
yes I was weak but now I'm strong

A lifetime of the same old shit
left me chomping at the bit
no one ever listens to me
 your arrogance makes me want to fucking scream


The days of Mr. Nice Guy are over
You all did this to me
It's okay for you to have your backgrounds
But I can't so much as breath
I once was innocent, caring, loving
But those days are now long gone
If you want to know where I stand
Then listen to this song


RIP Mr. Nice Guy
Jonny says go fuck yourself

From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm



My own life isn't all that bad
Sometimes just moderately sad
I'll never commit suicide
But sometimes I can't wait to die
I know I have a destiny
Learn all my lessons with this time
But sometimes I'm ready for heaven
I confess - I cannot lie


Sometimes it makes me gitty
The though of not being here anymore
Spiritual or scientific - either way could be terrific
Heaven, hell or total blackness
Simple pleasures fade to darkness
I don't have a death wish but I sometimes
Am ready to die

I confess...
I confess...


Am I being selfish, maybe
I just keep this to myself
Almost as exciting as delicious stuff
From Taco Bell

Wait to die - Can't wait to die

My first new car - My first real sex
Getting that job or Christmas morning
Feelings from these make you gitty
The thought of death does that too really

Life review - What did I do
Life review - I make peace with you

When I have my life review
Once I have finally left this body
Find out who I hurt and wronged
I'll see you too when you disembody

I can't wait - wait to die


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


Walkin' down the middle of the street
Step by step - never miss a beat
Some may call me a stalker
But I am just a - Night Walker


I can clear my mind when I walk at night
Sad - happy - drunk - sober or high
Look through the windows of other people's life
Compare theirs to mine
Remembering when I was young
Remembering when night walking was fun


Oh, I miss the days of being young
No disease in my blood
Looking pretty
Biggest care in the world was how my hair looked
So many have died now, from HIV
One day, that may be me
But until then, dance with me

Why don't you just dance with me
Why don't you just dance with Jonny


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

Well, of course one of Google's many sites (Blogger in this case) is not functioning as I ask it to so click on "OLDER POSTS" at bottom for the last 2 track's lyrics for the album "Flowerhead" Sorry :/