Wednesday, September 16, 2015


The eremitic element - in my life of a super star
Sometimes we like to be alone - it doesn't matter who you are
Rejoice in time of solitude - forgive me if I'm Eremitic
I often want to be alone - vacation from the dramatic


 Fall air seeps through my window
I am sad I don't know why
I just want to be alone to
Touch myself or a private cry

Doesn't mean that I hate people
And I need that stimulation
But sometimes just me, myself and I
All I need for stimulation

Alone I can reflect upon - the reason why life exists
If God exists - and why I did the things I did
Look at the stars in the sky and
Ponder all what for and whys
Watch old re runs on TV Land
Figure out how to get more fans


Lay in bed - stare at the ceiling
Contentment is what I'm feeling
Don't have to wonder what the person next to me is thinking

Sometimes just being alone gives me a tingle
That I only feel before about to have sex
I talk to inanimate objects

Ignore my invitation - I'm fine with that
In this family of one - I wear the pants
Lay real still - Pet yo cat
Being Eremitic is where it's at


Alone - Just Me - Myself and I

Blank stare from my eyes - and I feel just fine
Look at the stars in the sky - wonder when I will die


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

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