Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Why do I feel agitation - constant negative fixations
Catastrophizing thoughts are destroying positive vibrations
Having constant palpitations - sweaty palms
Hallucinations - What I wouldn't do or give
To cease all of this agitation


Heart attack waiting for mailman
What will life throw at me next
Boogieman around the corner
Always feeling so perplexed

Police car following behind me
Hope I didn't drink to much
What did I do to deserve
This agitated feeling as such


Wonder if my meds are working
Biting my nails - I'm so worried
Hoping my alarm clock goes off
Hope that's just a cigarette cough

Will the IRS arrest me
What did I do with my house key
Did I forget someone's birthday
Are those footsteps in my hallway

Will they reposes my car
Did I leave my phone at the bar
Such an unpleasant sensation
Mother fucking agitation


Agitation go away
Please come back another day
Want to go outside and play
If only you will stay away

Jonsona go outside and play

From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

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