Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Walkin' down the middle of the street
Step by step - never miss a beat
Some may call me a stalker
But I am just a - Night Walker


I can clear my mind when I walk at night
Sad - happy - drunk - sober or high
Look through the windows of other people's life
Compare theirs to mine
Remembering when I was young
Remembering when night walking was fun


Oh, I miss the days of being young
No disease in my blood
Looking pretty
Biggest care in the world was how my hair looked
So many have died now, from HIV
One day, that may be me
But until then, dance with me

Why don't you just dance with me
Why don't you just dance with Jonny


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm

Well, of course one of Google's many sites (Blogger in this case) is not functioning as I ask it to so click on "OLDER POSTS" at bottom for the last 2 track's lyrics for the album "Flowerhead" Sorry :/

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