Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I'm not your errand boy - I'm not your bitch
You think it'll go off without a hitch
Learn how to do things for yourself
Instead of depending on somebody else
So fucking tired of being used
Not gonna take your mental abuse
Innocent smiles but nothing but haters
 Ya'll just a bunch of fucking beggars


What you smokin' - You must be high
If you think I'm still gonna be Mr. Nice Guy
You give an inch they'll take a mile
You just sit back with your Cheshire smile
You can't even go to the store for yourself
Everyone relies on somebody else
You think it'll go off without a hitch
But the days are over of being your bitch

My friend goes to prison - The roommates flee
He stole my money - Left a house full of fleas
His psycho mother hounds me for money daily
In a bad economy - No electricity
He get's outta jail - goes...
You didn't pay no rent bro
Really? - You were in fucking prison
Mother Fucker
I'm deflating


used to cry - wanted to die
but realized that I was fine
I had the strength to carry on
yes I was weak but now I'm strong

A lifetime of the same old shit
left me chomping at the bit
no one ever listens to me
 your arrogance makes me want to fucking scream


The days of Mr. Nice Guy are over
You all did this to me
It's okay for you to have your backgrounds
But I can't so much as breath
I once was innocent, caring, loving
But those days are now long gone
If you want to know where I stand
Then listen to this song


RIP Mr. Nice Guy
Jonny says go fuck yourself

From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm


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