Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Listen to the plow outside my window
Indiana snow globe - I hear the wind blow
Thinking of the grandpa that I barely knew
Hoping you know how much we love you

Every Great Man must rise and fall
It's the design that's meant for us all
As you ascend into the great light
We know you didn't give up without a fight
Find peace - In the light


You are now within God's view
Wrap his loving arms around you
Angel wings and eager mothers
Heaven is a place that's like no other
-you always had that JFK big hair-
-you always tried to show that you cared-


The one thing that I kept hearing
He is such a good man
I have to agree for I could see
Now your kind soul is set free
You left so many behind - many generations intertwined
Now is the time that we must see
That love is all we need
Let's take some time - to plant the seed


From the Jonsona album - Flowerhead
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2015tm
Dedicated to my grandfather - Robert Overton Sr. - RIP

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